List of monumental statues in the World


List of monumental statues of the World

In the world, all civilizations needed to erect statues bearing the image of their idols. History being what it is, most of these statues have reached us intact, if they have been of remarkable size. Over time the construction techniques have improved, the consequence is that these statues have become higher and higher, until the bar of the 100m high is happily crossed. And as the means of communication have also progressed, a sort of race has been set in motion to obtain the highest statue. The highest statues in the world have been built recently, but there are exceptions, often monumental statues of Buddha dating back to the first millennium.

The list below details the 75 highest statues in the world, they are sorted in order of size, without taking into account the base, of course. However, it may happen that it is difficult to distinguish the statue from its base, in which case the height is treated on a case-by-case basis, and some have an artificially high height. It is purely subjective, in this case.

The highest statue of the world is the Buddha of the Temple of the source, in Henan (China). It is 128m high.

The list


The Buddha of the Temple of the Source

The Buddha of the Temple of the Source

The Buddha of the Temple of the Source, at Henan (Chine)

The statue of the Buddha of the Temple of the Source is the largest statue of the planet to date, while waiting for the Indian statue of Bihar, in a size doubled compared to the Statue of Liberty for a weight multiplied by five. construction course. It measures 128 meters, plus its pedestal of 25m. More than a simple statue, its interior contains a Buddhist monastery. It is located in the city of Henan, China, near a spring, hence its name. It is constructed of copper plates, like the statue of Liberty. Its estimated weight is 1000 tons. It was inaugurated on 1 September 2008.

Height: 128m

Pedestal: 25m

Weight: 1000 t

Location: Zhaocun

Country: China

Construction: 2008

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Bouddha Vairocana

Laykyun Setkyar

Laykyun Setkyar

Laykyun Setkyar, Monywa (Burma)

High in 116m, this statue represents the Gautama Buddha standing. It is perched on a 13m high pedestal. Its construction took 12 years, it was inaugurated on February 21, 2008. Largely golden it is of a style quite recognizable, with reminiscence of art-deco.

Height: 116m

Pedestal: 13m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Monywa

Country: Burma

Construction: 1996-2008

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Bouddha

The Hushiku Buddha

The Hushiku Buddha

Ushiku Daibutsu, Ushiku (Japan)

It is in the city of Ushiku, in Japan, that this great statue of Buddha is located. Unlike the larger ones, this one is made of bronze, which gives it a weight of more than 4000 tons. It is on a pedestal of 10m (only), itself enhanced by a second base cut in lotus flower. It was built here because it is at this place that the bodhisattva monk Dharmākara has attained enlightenment through contemplation and a long period of introspection, thus becoming Buddha Amitābha. The statue has 4 internal levels containing a museum, an elevator leads the visitor up to 85m high.

Height: 110m

Pedestal: 10m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Ushiku

Country: Japan

Construction: 1993

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Bouddha Amitābha

Statue of Guanyin

Statue of Guanyin

Guanyin, the goddess Marine of Mercy, Sanya (China)

Representing the Buddhist deity Avalokiteśvara, also called the Marine Goddess of Mercy, this statue measures 108m high. It has the particularity of presenting three faces: two turned towards the sea, the last one towards the earth. It is located in Sanya, in the province of Hainan, in southern China. It's a province-island. The three faces have different positions but as the general stature is the same, on which side it is seen, it seems to be unique.

Height: 108m

Pedestal: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Location: Sanya

Country: China

Construction: 2005

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Guanyin

Emperors Yan and Huang

Emperors Yan and Huang

Emperors Yan and Huang, in Zhengzhou (China)

These are two truly colossal statues, carved directly into the rock of a mountain. They are different from the others present in this classification insofar as they are only heads that have been carved, while the others are complete characters. However, their imposing stature deserves to be present in this classification. This is the emperors Yan Di and Huang Di.

Learn more about the Chinese emperors and theirs dynasties.

Height: 106m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Zhengzhou

Country: China

Construction: 1987-2007

Type: Patriotic

Religion: Memorial

Representation: Yan Di et Huang Di

Sendai Daikannon

Sendai Daikannon

Daikannon, goddess of compassion (Japan)

Sendai Daikannon is one of the largest statues in the world, located in Japan, Sendai. High of 100m she is the goddess of compassion. It is on the top of a hill, and its style is rather refined, it is perfectly white.

Height: 100m

Pedestal: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Location: Sendai

Country: Japan

Construction: Unknown

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Daikannon

Statue of Guanyin

Statue of Guanyin

Guanyin in the Thousand Hands and the Thousand Eyes, Weishan xiang (China)

This statue is a variation of the representation of Guanyan in the form of a large amount of eyes and arms (20 pairs). It is situated on a small hill, and is on a pedestal of general circular shape. The statue is entirely golden.

Height: 99m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Weishan xiang

Country: China

Construction: Unknown

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Guanyin

Peter the Great

Peter the Great

Peter the Great, Moscow (Russia)

C'est au centre de Moscou, en bordure d'un bras de la Moskova, que l'on trouve cette statue de Pierre le Grand, personnage emblématique de l'histoire russe. Elle est faite en acier en deux parties (le socle et le bateau) qui sont tellement liées l'une à l'autre qu'elles ne forment en vrai qu'une seul statue. C'est donc la statue la plus haute de Russie, devant celle de la Mère-Patrie de Volgograd.

Height: 98m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: 1000 t

Location: Moscow

Country: Russia

Construction: 1997

Type: Artistic

Role: Historic

Representation: Peter the Great

The legendary beauty of the Miao

The legendary beauty of the Miao

The legendary beauty of the Miao in Guizhou (China)

"The legendary beauty of the Miao" is a monumental statue of China - one more! - which is built since 2017 in the city of Guizhou. It aims to promote tourism in the region. The statue represents Yang'asha, goddess of beauty in the Miao ethnic group, a local ethnic group. This statue is 88m high and its particularity is the fineness of its features, its face as its clothes. Usually the statues are coarser but this one really seems very precise, in accordance with the general theme of the statue, its beauty.

Height: 88m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Guizhou

Country: China

Construction: 2017

Type: Symbolic

Role: Promotional

Representation: Yang'asha

Great Buddha of Liang Shan

Great Buddha of Liang Shan

The Great Buddha of Liang Shan (China)

The Great Buddha of Liang Shan is a colossal statue of 88m high located in Liang Shan, China. It is exactly south of LongShan Mountain, near Mashan. It is made of bronze for a total weight of 700 tons. It is a representation of Buddha, in a country strongly imbued with the Buddhist religion.

Height: 88m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: 700 t

Location: Ling Shan

Country: China

Construction: 1996

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Bouddha



Statue of Kannon, in Ashibetsu (Japan)

This monumental statue of Guanyin, a goddess of the Buddhist pantheon especially venerated in Asian countries. It is found in the form of several monumental statues in several countries: China, Thailand, Japan, etc. This statue was initiated in 1975, the work was finished in 1989. It was then the tallest statue in the world, before being overtaken by others in a crazy race to the height. It is located in Kita no Miyako Park on the island of Hokkaibo. It has 20 floors and contains an elevator that allows tourists to climb up to a panoramic deck.

Height: 88m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Ashibetsu

Country: Japan

Construction: 1975-1989

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Kannon

Mother land

Mother land

Statue of the Mother-Fatherland (Rodina-Matzovyot!) In Volgograd (Russia)

Known as the statue of the Mother-Father, it is called exactly "Rodina-Mat zovyot!", Literally "The call of the mother-country!". It is a truly impressive monument to the extent that beyond the size of 85m, it is the shape and location of the statue that is impressive. The shape was particularly complex because its internal structure requires the management of a horizontal arm, a toga also horizontal, the other arm raised, until the sword very long and pointed in a direction other than the extension of the arm. It is particularly complex to do, but it is successful. The location is also important because it is placed at the top of a hill, which makes it well worth it. It dates from 1967 and weighs nearly 7900 tons.

Height: 85m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: 7900 t

Location: Volgograd

Country: Russia

Construction: 1959-1967

Type: Patriotic

Role: Memorial

Representation: Armed woman

Christopher Colombus

Christopher Colombus

Birth of the New World (Puerto Rico)

This statue is really impressive. 81 meters high and weighing 6500 tons, it largely dominates the palms of the Coast of Puerto Rico which are already very high. This statue is of a modern metal style and represents the discoverer of America, Christopher Columbus, at the helm of one of his three caravels. It is an allegorical monument, the character is put forward by his boat, very shrunk voluntarily, and by the sails behind him, also voluntarily very high, to give height to the statue. It is made of bronze and was placed near the city of Arecibo. This monument is by Russian sculptor Zurab Tsereteli.

This statue was originally designed to be in New York, but the city refused it, as did Boston, Miami and Columbus, Ohio. Note that it is the same author who made the statue of Peter the Great in Moscow. Besides, the two works are similar.

Hauteur :81m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: 6500 tons

Location: Arecibo

Country: Puerto Rico

Construction: 2016

Type: Discover

Religion: -

Representation: Christopher Colombus



The statue of Kannon, in Awaji (Japan)

This Japanese statue is a representation of Kannon, another name of the goddess Guanyin so represented in the Buddhist world. It measures the trifle of 80m, and moreover it is on a base of 20m of height which makes it culminate to 100m of the soil, itself being the top of a barren hill. Its base is a real building, it contains several rooms. Dating back to 1982, it was built on the Japanese island of Awaji in Hyogo Prefecture.

Height: 80m

Pedestal: 20m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Awaji

Country: Japan

Construction: 1982

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Kannon

The monk Ksitigarbha

The monk Ksitigarbha

Statue of the monk Ksitigarbha, in the Jiuhua mountains

This is another Buddhist statue, this time of the monk Ksitigarbha. It measures 76m high and stands on a pedestal itself on a small hill, leading all to 155m high. It is a recent statue: It was completed in 2012. It is located in the Jiuhua Mountains, in the Qingyang area. It is made of bronze, it seems, and its novelty makes it particularly beautiful.

Height: 76m

Pedestal: 79m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Monts Jiuhua

Country: China

Construction: 2012

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Ksitigarbha



Guanyin of the Tsz Shan Monastery (Hong Kong)

Curiously this statue of Guanyin is in bronze, as its color does not allow to recognize. She is in Hong Kong, in a monastery of 50 000m2, the Tsz Shan. Guanyin is the goddess of compassion according to the Buddhist religion, and is often represented in many places in the sphere of influence of this religion. Currently the highest statue of the world is a statue of Guanyin, it is that of Sanya, China. It cost HK $ 1.7 million, which was financed entirely by a wealthy businessman from the city.

Height: 76m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Monastery Tsz Shan

Country: Hong Kong

Construction: 2013

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Guanyin



Statue of Kannon, Kaga (Japan)

The representation of Kannon in the form of a giant statue is quite common, it is even the most reproduced monumental statue in the world. This is another name of the goddess Guanyin, in the Buddhist religion. Japan has several similar statues of this goddess. That of Kaga is distinguished by the fact that it carries a child in the arms. It is located in Ishikawa Prefecture.

Height: 73m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Kaga

Country: Japan

Construction: 1987

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Kannon



The Confucius statue in Nishan (China)

This statue of Confucius is original, it is the highest that has ever been devoted to this illustrious personage. It measures 72m high. It can be admired in Nishan, in the Ni, Qufu, Shandong region. Confucius was a philosopher, writer and founder of a system of thought. It is born, if we believe the mythology, in these mountains, which explains the presence of such a statue here. The statue is recent, it dates from 2016.

Height: 72m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Nishan

Country: China

Construction: 2016

Type: Religious

Religion: Confucianism

Representation: Confucius

Leshan Grand Buddha

Leshan Grand Buddha

Leshan's Great Buddha, on Mount Emei, China

Classified as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1996, the Leshan Grand Buddha is 71m high. It is a stone statue carved from the red rock of the Mount Emei region of China. This statue is very old, it dates from the 700s and it could, unlike the Bamiyan Buddhas, reach us in the same state as at the time of its construction.

Height: 71m

Pedestal: 5m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Leshan

Country: China

Construction: 713-803

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Bouddha



The statue of Guanyin in the Xiqiao Mountains (China)

It is in the district of Nanhai, Foshan, Guangdong, that we find this colossal statue of Guyanin. This goddess very represented in China, but also in Japan, is high of 62m and is perched on a pedestal of 15, which brings it to 77m of altitude. And of course it is at the top of a hill, which further increases its size. It has a large staircase to climb up to its feet.

Height: 62m

Pedestal: 15m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Monts Xiqiao

Country: China

Construction: Unknown

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Guanuin

Statue of the Mother-Fatherland

Statue of the Mother-Fatherland

Statue of the Mother-Fatherland, Kiev (Ukraine)

The highest political statue in the world, the Motherland is in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. It was erected at a time when it was necessary to put forward the power of the Nation. This statue was realized by Evgueni Voutchetitch and placed as part of the museum of the Great Patriotic War of Kiev. It was made of steel, which is original, most of the monumental statues are made of copper (for the old ones) or aluminum (for the recent ones).

Height: 62m

Pedestal: 40m

Weight: 560 t

Location: Kiev

Country: Ukraine

Construction: 1979-1981

Type: Patriotic

Role: Memorial

Representation: soldier



The Guandi statue of Yuncheng (China)

Recent, this statue is, it is sure, it dates from 2010. It represents Guandi, the God of war according to the Buddhist pantheon. This statue is very successful, the serious expression of the character is faithful to what it could be on a real person. The statue is full of perfectly reproduced details, especially on clothing. It measures 61m and is on a pedestal of 19m, for a total height of 80m, therefore. Its pedestal is a very pretty square white building that magnifies the statue.

Height: 61m

Pedestal: 19m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Yuncheng

Country: China

Construction: Unknown

Type: Patriotic

Role: Memorial

Representation: Guandi



The Gautama statue of Lashaosi-Dafo (China)

In the area of Wushan, Gansu, stands the statue of Lashaosi Dafo. It is a statue inlaid in the rock of a cliff, it is a statue in high relief inlaid. What is impressive is its size: 60m. This statue represents Buddha, under the name of Gautama. It was carved in 559, it dates from the sixth century.

Height: 60m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Lashaosi-Dafo

Country: China

Construction: Unknown

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Bouddha



The Gautama statue of Luang-Pho (Thailand)

This statue is Thai, it is in the province of King And it represents Buddha, under the name of Gautama. It has the peculiarity of being very fine, which denotes compared to the other monumental representations of Buddha. It is completely golden, and measures a little less than 60m in height. It can be easily seen as soon as you approach the area, it is within the walls of a very well-preserved and well-preserved temple, bordering a small lake.

Height: 59m

Pedestal: 9m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Luang Pho

Country: Thailand

Construction: Unknown

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Bouddha

God of the sea

God of the sea

Statue of the God of the Sea, Chishan (China)

We have little information on this statue. It is located on the Red Mountains of Chishan, Rongcheng area, Shandong. It represents the God of the sea according to the Buddhist pantheon. The statue shows the seated figure, it is quite rare for monumental statues. This statue is in bronze, it dominates the yellow sea. It is located in a Buddhist sanctuary of course, and moreover it was built quite recently.

Height: 59m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Chishan

Country: China

Construction: 2010

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: God of the sea



Bouddha in Emei (Taiwan)

This Buddha is among the most imposing of the World, it is not only high, but also wide. It is a statue of Buddha represented standing, bronze color. She is in a Taiwanese temple on the edge of one of the few lakes in the Xinzhu region. The whole is 72m high, for a statue of 58m "only". It is called "Maitreya", which would mean "Future" of the Buddha. He holds in the left hand a terrestrial globe, with a pleasant jovial air.

Height: 58m

Pedestal: 14m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Emei

Country: China

Construction: 2008

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Bouddha

Son Tra Guanyin

Son Tra Guanyin

The statue of Guanyin of Da Nang (Vietnam)

This colossal statue is in the temple of Chua Linh Ung. It is located in Vietnam, north of Da Nang, the fifth city of the country. It is one of many representations of Guanyin, a divinity of the Buddhist cult. Such statues are found elsewhere: Sanya (China), Weishan (China), Hong Kong. This statue has a total height of 67m and has 17 floors. Its pedestal is round, it is open with stylized arches. The view from this temple is magnificent, overlooking the China Sea and the city of Da Nang. Guanyin is a goddess of compassion.

Height: 57m

Pedestal: 10m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Da Nang

Country: Vietnam

Construction: 2010

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Guanyin



Statue of Kannon, Aizuwakamatsu (Japan)

This statue of Kannon, the other name of Guanyin, is a Buddhist statue is among the highest in the world. It is not the only statue of Kannon in Japan, there is even a good package that resembles him. This one is in the region of Aizuwakamatsu. This statue is made of concrete, it is quite simple, monochrome, and does not emerge especially from the other statues of its category. It also seems a bit old. The character's features are rather fine, the goddess carries a baby in her arms.

Height: 79m

Pedestal: 8m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Aizuwakamatsu

Country: Japan

Construction: 1987

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Kannon

Tokyo Wan Kannon

Tokyo Wan Kannon

The Tokyo Wan Kannon in Ftuttsu (Japan)

This statue of Kannon is a Japanese statue, it is in the region of Futtsu. It is a monumental statue of 56m high which has the peculiarity of holding in its hands a globe. This is not a rare peculiarity, we find some others in Japan. This one is made of unpainted concrete, which makes it perhaps a little less beautiful than the others.

Height: 56m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Futtsu

Country: Japan

Construction: 1961

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Kannon

Buddha of  Bamiyan

Buddha of Bamiyan

Buddha of Bamiyan (Afghanistan)

The Buddhas of Bamiyan were three monumental statues, in high relief, representing three standing Buddhas. They were excavated in the wall of a cliff in the Bamiyan valley in central Afghanistan. These statues were already well known in themselves, but they gained worldwide fame on the day of their destruction, victims of the Taliban and their rigorous visions of divine representations. Built in 544, they were demolished in 2001. Projects of reconstruction are studied, but the instability of the country prevents the initiators of the project from hatching.

Height: 53m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Bâmiyân

Country: Afghanistan

Construction: 300-700

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Bouddha



Statue of Koxinga, Quanzhou (China)

Taiwan possesses a monumental equestrian statue, it is a unique case and a real technical feat that to achieve to make such a statue. It represents Koxinga, a Chinese of the Ming dynasty who resisted the Qing conquest in the seventeenth century. It is 52m high, and it is accompanied by 2 other statues of two generals, statues that are a little bit smaller (49m). The main statue dates from 1995, the other two from 2013.

Height: 52m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Quanzhou

Country: Taiwan

Construction: 1995

Type: Patriotic

Religion: Commemoration

Representation: Koxinga



The statue of Kannon in Usami Dai (Japan)

This statue of the goddess Kannon is a Buddhist statue. It is a seated statue, which is rare for monuments of this size. It is obviously made of concrete, painted white, and its jewels are gilded as it should be. The statue presents a great serenity. It is still 50m high and is located on the island of Izu.

Height: 50m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Usami Dai

Country: Japan

Construction: 1982

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Kannon



The statue of Kannon of Shodoshima (Japan)

This statue of Konnan is quite common in its representation, it is the goddess Kannon, a Buddhist goddess. It seems to be concrete and painted white with the jewelry painted in gold. It is located in Shodoshima, Japan, on a wooded hill. It measures 50m and was built in 1994.

Height: 50m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Kannon

Country: Japan

Construction: 1994

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Kannon

Chimalli Warrior

Chimalli Warrior

The Chimalli Warrior, in Chimalhuacan (Mexico)

This statue is unusual in this list, it is of a modern style (Built in 2014) and uses metal rather than concrete. It is located in the State of Mexico, in the city of Chimalhuacan. Its 10m high base, made in the shape of a rectangular building, magnifies it. It has a peculiarity of its own, it is of an impressive bright red, which contrasts with the other titanic statues, rather of white or bronze color.

Height: 50m

Pedestal: 10m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Chimalhuacan

Country: Mexico

Construction: 2014

Type: Patriotic

Religion: Memorial

Representation: Chimalli



The statuia Tineretului of straja (Romania)

This statue of the goddess Kannon is a Buddhist statue. It is a seated statue, which is rare for monuments of this size. It is obviously made of concrete, painted white, and its jewels are gilded as it should be. The statue presents a great serenity. It is still 50m high and is located on the island of Izu.

Height: 50m

Pedestal: 2m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Straja

Country: Romania

Construction: 1985

Type: Memorial

Role: Industrial

Representation: Flame

African Renaissance

African Renaissance

Monument of the African Renaissance, Dakar (Senegal)

It is the tallest statue in Africa, and it is in Senegal. The statue was officially named "The African Renaissance" because of its high cost ($ 27 million), which, according to the majority of Senegalese, could have been attributed to other projects. She represents an African couple and her child moving towards the future. The whole of this statue gives an impression of movement, the composition is particularly successful.

Height: 53m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Ouakam

Country: Senegal

Construction: 2009-2010

Type: Patriotic

Role: Memorial

Representation: Family

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

The God of War Guan Yu in Jingzhou, China

The statue of Guan Yu is a monumental statue not only by its size but also by its size, it is one of the only ones that is not only high but also wide. She represents the God of war Guan Yu standing on a bark, looking stern as must be such a God. It measures 48m high and it is on a pedestal of 10m, hence its presence in this classification.

Height: 48m

Pedestal: 10m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Jingzhou

Country: China

Construction: 2016

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Guan Yu

Virgin of Peace

Virgin of Peace

The Virgin of Peace, in Trujillo (Venezuela)

The Virgin of Peace is a sacred statue of Venezuela, it is the highest statue of this country. With a height of 46,7m it dominates the valley surroundings. It was built in 1983 in a modern style. She represents, of course, the Virgin Mary, an important figure in this Catholic country.

Height: 47m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Trujillo

Country: Venezuela

Construction: 1983

Type: Religious

Religion: Catholicism

Representation: Virgin

Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty of New York (USA)

The Statue of Liberty was designed and manufactured in Paris to be erected in New York, on an island called Bedoe's Island at the time. The statue is a technological achievement. Its author, Auguste Bartholdi, had the copper pieces manufactured on models of plaster life-size before mounting them in full Paris of the nineteenth century to see if the whole held. Dismantled, she was sent to the US and mounted on a pedestal of the same size as her. With 46m height, without the base, the statue of Liberty is the largest in the world in copper.

Learn more about the Statue of Liberty

Height: 46m

Pedestal: 47m

Weight: 220 t

Location: New-York

Country: United States

Construction: 1876-1886

Type: Patriotic

Role: Memorial

Representation: Woman

Our Lady of Fatima, in Crato (Brazil)

Our Lady of Fatima, in Crato (Brazil)

Our Lady of Fatima, in Crato (Brazil)

This statue is in Crato, in the state of Ceara, Brazil. In this highly Catholic country the greatest statues are of course Catholic. This represents Our Lady of Fatima, the patron saint of the city. It is a fairly large statue representing the saint in a mystical position, dressed in white, hands joined. She has a huge crown on her head and stands on a cloud-shaped base. The statue is on a very ordinary concrete base.

Height: 45m

Pedestal: 10m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Crato

Country: Brazil

Construction: 2016

Type: Religious

Religion: Catholicism

Representation: Our Lady of Fatima

Kailashnath Mahadev

Kailashnath Mahadev

Kailashnath Mahadev, in Sanga (Nepal)

It is the tallest statue of Shiva in the World, located in Sanga, a town 20 km west of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. It is made of copper, zinc and holds through a steel structure stabilized by concrete. Its foundations are 33m deep, nevertheless ... It is very well known by the Hindu community of the country and it is also an important tourist point of Nepal, which generates important financial repercussions for the city but also the whole country .

Height: 44m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Sanga

Country: Nepal

Construction: 2003-2010

Type: Religious

Religion: Hindouism

Representation: Shiva

Lying Buddha, Wat Pho

Lying Buddha, Wat Pho

Wat Pho Lying Buddha, Bangkok (Thailand)

The lying Buddha of Wat Pho, one of the two most famous temples in Bangkok, is a monumental statue in a temple of enormous size, but which seems little compared to what it would take for the statue to feel comfortable. Visitors can walk past it, but it is so big that it is difficult to take a correct photo, especially since there is not enough backwardness in this room. This Buddha is a real success because of its artistic quality, it is also a statue among the most venerated in Thailand.

Height: 43m

Pedestal: 3m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Bangkok

Country: Thailand

Construction: Unknown

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Bouddha

God Murugan

God Murugan

God Murugan (Kârttikeya) in front of the caves of Batu (Malaysia)

The statue of the Murugan God is recent, it was inaugurated in 2006. It is the highest in Malaysia, but it took only 3 years and 15 sculptors to erect it. It is made of steel and concrete and is covered with 300 liters of gold paints. It was built at the entrance to the Batu Caves.

Height: 43m

Pedestal: 5m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Goa Batu

Country: Malaysia

Construction: 2003-2006

Type: Religious

Religon : Hindou

Representation: Murugan

Sainte Rita

Sainte Rita

Santa Rita, Santa Cruz (Brazil)

Catholic statues are, as we have seen, less frequent than those associated with Buddhism. The largest is found in Catholic countries as is the case in Brazil, the country of the Christ the Redeemer. This statue does not represent Christ but Saint Rita. It is very massive, and seems to have been quite complex to achieve. It is on a hill and has a commercial center in its pedestal. The statue cost 6 million reals, the Brazilian currency.

Height: 42m

Pedestal: 14m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Santa Cruz

Country: Brazil

Construction: 2010

Type: Religious

Religion: Catholicism

Representation: Sainte Rita



Statue of Thiruvalluvar, Kanyakumari (India)

India has several monumental statues, but this one has a special role because it is the Tamil poet and philosopher Thiruvalluvar who makes reference in Indian literature. This statue is over 40m high and is made of stone. The 40m included the base, but this one can be considered as an integral part of the statue, it is the same style.

Height: 40m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: 7000 t

Location: Kanyakumari

Country: India

Construction: 1990-1999

Type: Artistic

Role: Memorial

Representation: Tiruvalluvar



Buddha in Aluthgama (Sri Lanka)

This statue is the tallest statue of Buddha seated in the World. It is 48m high, but as it has a pedestal of approximately 10m, it actually only 38m. Throughout history there has been a tremendous amount of way to represent Buddha, this statue in a classical style of the Southern Buddhas of Asia. It is located in Aluthgama, Sri Lanka.

Height: 38m

Pedestal: 10m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Aluthgama

Country: Sri Lanka

Construction: 2002

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Bouddha

Statue of God Shiva

Statue of God Shiva

Statue of God Shiva, Murudeshwar (India)

Murudeshwar is the other name of the Hindu God Shiva, it is also the name of an Indian city. It is therefore quite naturally in this city that this statue of 37 meters high was built, the second highest statue of Shiva in the world. It cost the trifling 50 million rupees.

Height: 37m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Murudeshwar

Country: India

Construction: Unknown

Type: Religious

Religion: Hindouism

Representation: Shiva

Merlion of Sentosa

Merlion of Sentosa

Sentosa Merlion, Sentosa Island (Singapore)

The Merlion is an animal of local mythology, a fish with a lion's head. Singapore has chosen this animal as a national emblem, which is the origin of the word "Singapore". The main merlion is a statue of a little over 8m located in Singapore Bay, it spits water by mouth, making a fountain. Copies of the statue are found throughout the country, and even in China. The largest is 37 meters high and is located in a shopping mall in Sentosa. It is made of plastic, it must be the only one of this list.

Height: 37m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Sentosa

Country: Singapore

Construction: Unknown

Type: Symbolic

Symbol: National

Representation: Merlion

Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong, a statue in Keifeng (China)

This statue of the leader of the Chinese Revolution no longer exists today, it was destroyed in 2016. It was however recent (2015), but its location, in the midst of the territories suffered the great famine of the 50 made particularly unpopular. The authorities ordered its destruction immediately at the end of its construction. It had cost more than 400 000 €, a financing made by wealthy businessmen. This statue was made of steel, concrete and covered with a thin film of gold, representing Mao seated, towards the end of his life.

Height: 37m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Keifeng

Country: China

Construction: 2015

Type: Patriotic

Role: Memorial

Representation: Mao Zedong

Arctic Defenders

Arctic Defenders

Monument to the defenders of the Soviet Arctic during the Great Patriotic War (Russia)

It is in Russia that this great statue is over 35m high. Made of concrete, it is perched on a modest pedestal, to magnify the statue itself. It represents a soldier of the Second World War amongst those who fought in the artic sector. This statue is in Murmansk, one of the largest Russian city near the far north.

Height: 35m

Pedestal: 7m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Mourmansk

Country: Russia

Construction: 1974

Type: Patriotic

Role: Memorial

Representation: soldier

Birth of a new man

Birth of a new man

Christopher Colombus, Sevilla (Spain)

This statue bears the exact name of "Birth of a New Man", it is the counterpart of the "Birth of a New World", another monumental statue in Costa Rica, which also represents Christopher Columbus. This one is very original by its form, the character being protected by an egg. The two statues are in bronze, a similarity intended.

Height: 35m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Sevilla

Country: Spain

Construction: Unknown

Type: Civil

Religion: Memorial

Representation: Christopher Colombus

Cristo de la Concordia

Cristo de la Concordia

Cristo de la Concordia, Cochabamba (Bolivie)

This replica of Christ the Redeemer of Rio, the famous statue, is even larger than the original, it is more than 40m high, including base. She is in Bolivia, a Catholic country. This statue contains a staircase of 1399 steps accessible to visitors, it allows to see the landscape from above.

Height: 34m

Pedestal: 6m

Weight: 12 t

Location: Cochabamba

Country: Bolivia

Construction: 1987-1994

Type: Religious

Religion: Christianism

Representation: Christ

Tian Tan Buddha

Tian Tan Buddha

Tian Tan Buddha, Hong Kong (China)

Very beautiful monument that this statue of Buddha, it is in the region of Hong Kong, China. This statue is bronze (it is normal, it is bronze) and has the typical Chinese Buddhist style. It is located on the top of a mountain, within the walls of a temple. To get to see her closely, you must arm yourself with courage: there are 268 steps.

Height: 34m

Pedestal: Unknown

Weight: 250 t

Location: Ngong Ping

Country: China

Construction: 1990-1993

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Bouddha Shakyamuni

Mangal Mahadev

Mangal Mahadev

Mangal Mahadev, Savannah (Mauritius)

This statue is of a more modest size compared to the monumental statues of the beginning of the classification, it is only 33m. This is Mangal Mahadev, another name of God Shiva. It can be admired in India at Lake Ganga Talao. It is based on the model of another statue, that of Lake Sursagar, in Vadodara, also in India. It was inaugurated in 2007, so it is relatively recent.

It seems that the 33m high is "base included", which should disqualify her participation in this ranking. But as I do not know if this is really the case, I leave it there.

Height: 33m

Pedestal: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Location: Savanne

Country: Mauritius

Construction: 2007

Type: Religious

Religion: Hindouism

Representation: Shiva

Golden Buddha

Golden Buddha

The Golden Buddha of Naesongni myeon (South Korea)

This colossal Buddha was built relatively recently in a temple on the side of Naesongni myeon, in South Korea. It is one of the largest Buddha statues in the world, but it is not the largest, far from it. Its originality comes from the fact that it is entirely gilded, except for the hair. And this gilding is, in addition, of a different tone according to its location on the statue: The skin is lighter than the toga.

Height: 33m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Naesongni myeon

Country: South Korea

Construction: Unknown

Type: Religious

Religion: Bouddhism

Representation: Bouddha

The Christ-King

The Christ-King

Christ the King of Swiebodzin (Poland)

The highest statue of Poland is in Swiebodzin, a city of 21000 inhabitants. It was designed by a Polish priest, Sylwester Zawadzki, and realized by the artist Mirosław Kazimierz Patecki. It cost the trifle $ 1.5 million. It was placed at the top of a small hill, which is why it is sometimes said that it measures 52m high, but the statue itself measures "only" 33m high.

Height: 33m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: 440 t

Location: Swiebodzin

Country: Poland

Construction: 2005-2010

Type: Religious

Religion: Catholicism

Representation: Jesus Christ

Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong

Mao Zedong, Changsha (China)

Another statue of Mao Dezong, the leader of the Chinese revolution. This one dates from 2007 and was made from rock coming from the Fujian mine. They are rectangular granite blocks, stacked and then carved. It took 8000 blocks to finish it. It is 32m tall and is located at Orange Island, Chagsha, Hunan. She represents President Mao at the age of 32 and would cost $ 35 million.

Height: 32m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Chagsha

Country: China

Construction: 2007-2009

Type: Artistic

Role: Memorial

Representation: Mao Zedong



Statue of the Virgin of Haskovo (Bulgaria)

The statue of the Virgin of Haskovo is a Bulgarian monumental statue. Relatively recent, it was designed by the Mayor of the Haskovo era, Georgi Ivanov, and realized by Petyo Aleksandrov and Nikola Stoyanov. The Virgin is the patron saint of Haskovo, hence this choice. It should be known that this is a more complete sanctuary, the statue is on an imposing pedestal containing a chapel, and there is also a bell tower right next door.

Height: 31m

Pedestal: 17m

Weight: 30 t

Location: Haskovo

Country: Bulgaria

Construction: 2003

Type: Religious

Religion: Catholicism

Representation: Vierge Marie

Gengis Khan

Gengis Khan

Equestrian statue of Genghis Khan, Erdene (Mongolia)

The incredible vision of this statue of Genghis Khan, the unifier of Mongolia. We would swear a toy for children, and yet it is a true statue of 40m high, mounted on a rotunda with double arches of great beauty. The gloss of its coating comes from the metal used that reflects the sun's rays. It is located 54 km east of the capital, Ulaanbaatar, in an area called Erdene, near the river Tula. If you pass in the corner go see it and better: Get on it! All the mane of the horse is in fact a balcony allowing to take altitude!

Height: 30m

Pedestal: 10m

Weight: 250 t

Location: Tianjin Boldog

Country: Mongolia

Construction: Unknown

Type: Artistic

Role: Memorial

Representation: Genghis Khan

Christ Blessing Statue

Christ Blessing Statue

The statue of Christ Blessing, in Manado, Indonesia

Curious statue that this Christ blessing the crowd. Made of fiber and steel, inclined at 20 ° to the horizontal and held in the air by heavy beams starting from an equally solid base, its brilliance provokes the sensation that it is flying above the Mountain. This statue is in Manado, Indonesia. It cost the trifle of 5 billion rupees and measures 30m high plus 20m of base, hence its ranking at the bottom of the ranking.

Height: 30m

Pedestal: 20m

Weight: 60 t

Location: Manado

Country: Indonesia

Construction: 2010

Type: Religious

Religion: Christianism

Representation: Christ

St Francis of Assisi

St Francis of Assisi

Statue of St. Francis of Assisi in Caninde (Brazil)

The city of Canindé is located in brazil, in the state of Ceara. It is the 11th most populous city of this state, with a population of 75,000 inhabitants. It has the characteristic of being entirely devoted to St. Francis of Assisi, organizing every year a Catholic grouping in its name, a gathering that welcomes millions of people. Such a fervor deserved a statue of this high figure of the Catholic religion, which was made in the form of an idol of 30m high. The statue is rather similar, in the sense that it is rather realistic.

Height: 30m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: CanIndia

Country: Brazil

Construction: 2005

Type: Religious

Religion: Christianism

Representation: St Francis of Assisi

Reunification Arch

Reunification Arch

Reunification Arch, Pyongyang (North Korea)

This arch is actually a monumental statue, it is 30m high. It spans a motorway known as the "Reunification Highway", which leads of course to South Korea (or more exactly, today, to the demilitarized zone that buffers between the two Koreas) The arch of reunification was built to commemorate the proposed reunification of North Korea to the South, a proposal by Kim Il-sung. The work is made of concrete, it represents two women holding a sphere together, an evident symbol of reunification.

Height: 30m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Motorway

Country: North Korea

Construction: 2001

Type: Artistic

Role: Propaganda

Representation: Reunification

Christ the Redeemer

Christ the Redeemer

Statue of Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

The official work of Heitor da Silva Costa, the paternity of the monument is questioned by the fact that this statue is in fact a collegiate work directed by a Frenchman, Paul Landowski. It dates back to the 1930s and was the first major artistic achievement in concrete, an innovative material for the time. It was made in the style of the time, art-deco. Christ the Redeemer is the most famous statue in Brazil, and by far its emblem throughout the World.

Learn more about Christ the Redeemer of Rio.

Height: 30m

Pedestal: 8m

Weight: 635 t

Location: Rio-de-Janeiro

Country: Brazil

Construction: 1926-1933

Type: Religious

Religion: Christianism

Representation: Christ

Virgin Mary

Virgin Mary

Virgin of the Mas Rillier (France)

The Virgin of the Mas Rillier is the highest statue of France. She is in Miribel, in the Ain. It is nearly 33m high, made of concrete and is now listed in the Historic Monuments. The genesis of this statue is found in the brotherhood of Notre-Dame-du-Sacré-Coeur, a brotherhood established in Miribel by Monseigneur Béguin in 1932. Quite quickly he wanted a statue that was built by Georges Serraz, a French sculptor who came to finish Christ the King of the Houches. The statue was quickly built and was inaugurated on July 5, 1941, during World War II. Note that this statue is 33m including the base, which is removed to be included in this classification.

Height: 30m

Pedestal: 3m

Weight: 440 t

Location: Miribel

Country: France

Construction: 1938-1941

Type: Religious

Religion: Catholicism

Representation: Virgin Mary

The Kelpies

The Kelpies

The Kelpies of Kinneil, Scotland (United Kingdom)

The Kelpies are sculptures of horse heads that were recently built in the UK, more precisely in the cluster of towns in Falkirk, Scotland.

Height: 30m

Pedestal: 0m

Weight: Unknown

Location: Falkirk

Country: Royaume-Uni

Construction: 2013

Type: Decorative

Style : Modern

Representation: Horses

Types de statues

As shown in this list, all the statues are different, they represent completely different elements depending on the place, and more precisely on the civilizations which have erected it, but also on religion, political regime, a particular moment of a nation.

On more than 70 giant statues, there must be a distribution between the religious statues, by far the most numerous, the historical statues or commemorating a particular event, the patriotic statues are those which ensure the propaganda of a country and the purely commercial statues. The highest religious statues in the world are clearly Buddhist. Without doubt. The highest Catholic statue of the World is the Virgin of Peace in Venezuela (47m), but she is alone in front of the 28 higher Buddhist statues, 4 of the 5 highest in the world! The Catholic statues are rather at the bottom of the rankings, with heights beginning rather around 30m high (Height of the Corcovado, the famous Christ redeemer of Rio) Besides the highest statue of France is a statue of the Virgin, it is in Miribel, in the Ain.

It is therefore the followers of Buddhism who build the largest statues of the World. They are hemmed (if one may say) by the Hindouists, who, although they have very few colossal statues, dispose of very large ones. The Buddhist statues are mainly in China (15 giant statues) and in Japan (9 statues), representing 30% of all the monumental statues of the World. They are also found in Thailand, Vietnam, and Hinduism, India and Nepal. Other religions are not represented, especially Islam, which, given the number of practitioners in the world, could have such statues, but since this religion does not tolerate an image of the prophet, it is only natural that the Muslims did not construct statues in his effigy. It should be noted that Judaism does not promote reproductions of religious personalities either.

Political statues are generally propagandist, the aim being to magnify the state or a particular character of the country. Here are the statues of a military character. Historical statues, however, systematically represent characters who actually existed. The most impressive is undoubtedly the statue of Genghis Khan in Erdene, Mongolia. It is an equestrian statue of 40m high on which one can climb! The two highest statues in the pure artistic field are: The well-known Statue of Liberty in New York (USA) and the African Renaissance in Dakar, Senegal. They are similar in size (46 and 49m), and both aim to be a representation of freedom, one in the World, the other more specifically to the African peoples.

Finally, we can mention some statues that are purely commercial, or that have a tourist purpose. This is the case of Singapore's Merlion, a fantastic animal that serves as the emblem of the country and is reproduced many times, including a very large copy in a local amusement park. It is the only statue to be made of plastic, the others being made of stone, concrete or metal. China has built a giant statue to attract tourists, it is called "The Legendary Beauty of the Miao". Located in Guizhou, it has no vocations other than to make the region known.

In conclusion, it can be said that the highest statues in the world are essentially religious in character, and when they are not, it is essentially to magnify a historical figure or a patriotic event. The figures represented on a very large scale are Christopher Columbus (twice, one in Puerto Rico, the other in Seville), Peter the Great (in downtown Moscow) and Confucius (In China, at his birthplace) .

The future statues ...

The peoples of the Earth do not stop building statues higher and higher. It often takes several years to finish one, and when it is done it is immediately overtaken by another. In this gigantic race, China and Japan are fighting against India, the country that is building the two future highest statues of the World. And for them, we change scale: The bigger one will be 192m high!

It will be Chhatrapati Shivaji, a Hindu leader of the seventeenth century, who will be represented on an island off Bombay. The other will be dedicated to Sardar Vallabbhai Patel, hero of Indian independence, and will measure "only" 182m high.

These fantastic records beat the one currently set by the statue in Sanya, which is only 128m high. How far will this race stop? We do not know, but if I have to make a bet, I think it will stop more because of technical impossibility of rising higher than by desire to magnify a God or a Goddess. Humanity still needs to have a religion.

See also:

All the landmarks

List of the highest statues in each country

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Websites of the same author: The Pyrénées-Orientales, Marguerite Duras, Wonders of the world, Roman Emperors.