Replica of Bloemfontein
This imitation of the Eiffel Tower is in the city of Bloemfontein, South Africa. It is on the ground of the company "National and Overseas Modular and Timber Construction Ltd" which operates in the field of industrial construction since 1951, year of its installation on this site. The premises are in an industrial area on the outskirts of the city of Batho. Of course, the land is private, so it is impossible to approach, but its proximity to public space can be contemplated. You can not ride on this tower, it is not planned for. The reason for its construction seems obvious, although we can not be sure: The Eiffel Tower is a masterpiece of civil engineering, for an industrial construction company, having a replica is a good sign.
This tower is very successful, it is particularly similar. There are only three floors that do not have pavilions, but can we blame them, knowing that the rest is really so perfect? And to quibble a little, there is the antenna, too big, and the billboard that stains, but hey, it's above all an advertising sign ...

Replica of Parys
This is a very small Eiffel Tower very original. She is in the city of Parys, a small town southwest of Johannesburg. Parys, in Afrikaaners, it's simply "Paris" in French, and so it was logical that there is an Eiffel Tower here (As is the case in quite a city called "Paris") . This one is modest, it is metallic and measures approximately 2m high. She is on a very simple wooden base. It is far from being a true copy, it is rather an artistic vision. The 4 pillars are flared, the mesh is wide without bracing and the floors look more like insect observation posts than an attempt to imitate the Eiffel Tower, but it must be said that it is pretty, this tower...

Replica of Prétoria
The replica of the Pretoria Eiffel Tower is a model of its kind. Near perfection, he lacks only two or three details like a third floor above or internal braces (hard to do, it's true) so that we can classify it in perfections. Even the 1st and 2nd floors are well reproduced. This tower is metallic, it measures almost 6m high. To make a more important criticism you have to look at the junction of the pillars at the 2nd floor: On the real Eiffel Tower the pillars join as soon as they leave the platform whereas this one shows a space between the pillars above 2nd floor, space that was filled by a trellis.
She is in the city of Pretoria, South Africa, in front of the Dagbreek residence on Victoria Street.

Replica of Stellenbosch
Cette Replica of la tour Eiffel se trouve à Stellenbosch, en Afrique-du-Sud. Elle est sur la devanture d'un hôtel ou d'une résidence hôtelière. Exactement, elle se trouve sur le toit d'une sorte de rotonde qui coupe un chemin piétonnier pour s'y rendre. La rotonde est en bois, c'est une simple construction qui parait bien fragile pour porter une architecture métallique de cette taille.
This imitation of the tower is quite large, approximately 6m high. The general structure is fairly well imitated with the 4 pillars that join the level of the 2nd floor and the 3 floors well proportioned. The biggest problem is the lack of mesh thickness. On the real Eiffel Tower, the joists are much tighter, there are many more. This copy has just lightened architecture that can identify but is not a perfect imitation.

Replica in Hartebeespoort
This replica is in Hartebeespoort, South Africa. It was put in front of a French restaurant and as such, we have here again an example of the symbolism of the Eiffel Tower as a representative of France in the World. In fact it is the coffee that served as a backdrop to the film "French Toast", supposed to take place in Montmartre. Once the film was finished, the sets were partially taken over and a café actually opened. Next door a replica of the Eiffel Tower was built. It measures 12m50 but it is not a replica complies: It has also a special interest because it shows what could have been the real Eiffel Tower if the pylon had left the 3rd floor instead of the 2nd . Indeed, the real Eiffel Tower is made of 4 independent pillars that join the 2nd floor, from which the pillars become a single pylon that rises to the top. This copy has its 4 pillars that join the 3rd floor, and suddenly the pylon is much shorter.
Apart from that, she is quite successful, from a purely personal view.
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